How to Submit a Webform

A need for every applicant

How to Submit a Webform

Sukhpreet Singh
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A system which allows applicants and representatives to contact IRCC about applications submitted. For a long time, this has been used as to submit new documents in support to an application, getting a status on an application and changing/removing representatives.

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What is a Webform?

As the name suggests, its a form which an applicant can fill and submit to IRCC. A very well known IRCC tool used at multiple times for an in-progress application. Its also called an enquiry form through which an applicant can enquire about the current status of an application. There are a number of reasons to submit a webform, out of which some are:

Where exactly a webform is processed?

A webform can be submitted to either IRCC main office in Canada or Embassy’s/Visa offices (VO) outside of Canada. The VOs outside Canada mainly process Study, Visit, Work permits and permanent immigration applications. If your application is one of these and submitted from outside of Canada, then your Webform can be submitted to local VOs. Although the information is shared between all offices, even if the webform is submitted to one office, IRCC is fully aware and capable of answering it.

Who can submit a webform?

Applicant or representative both are eligible to apply for a webform. There is a little basic information required from an applicant to submit a webform.

What information can be used to find/identify an application?

IRCC can find an application with 

Is there any fee for submitting a webform?​

No, IRCC charges no fee for a webform.

What is the processing time?

The average response time on a webform is 25-30 business days.

Here is the step by step procedure:

Below procedure is applicable to HCCP and HSWP applications however it can be tweaked for any kind of application.

Step 1 :

Click HERE to open IRCC webform page. Or enter this in your choice of web browser

Step 2 :

Now, select the “Type of Application/enquiry” from the drop down: (Select Temporary Residence for HCCP/HSWP)

Step 3 :

After selecting an option from “Type of application” there may be further options to choose from. Its mandatory to choose an option.

Step 4 :

Under “Your enquiry” box, the applicant can fill in the question or query to ask IRCC

Step 5 :

Now is the time to fill in “Applicant Information” and “Enquirer Information” as I have filled some dummy details. If you do not have UCI number, you can fill 0000000000 and IRCC will respond according to the application number details. If you are enquiring for self, then select “Applicant” under “Relationship to applicant

Step 6 :

Now, Click on the checkbox to agree and Click Next

Step 7 :

If you would like to include a document with the submission, then click Yes and attach on the next screen otherwise Click No

Step 8 :

Details on the next page will be prefilled, just click Next

Step 9 :

And its submitted

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